How To Work With A Mailing Company To Find Your Best Target Marketing

How To Work With A Mailing Company To Find Your Best Target Marketing
The more closely you work with your mailing company, the better the results you can see from your direct mail target marketing. Here are some tips for getting the most from your relationship.
Explain clearly what you want to achieve
Your goals determine targeting as well as what kind of campaigns you want to create in the first place:• Ongoing prospecting for new business.• Short-term projects to target only a certain segment, drive time-sensitive sales, achieve a special purpose such as soliciting referrals or broaden the reach of your multi-channel marketing efforts.
Understanding your goals enables your direct mail company to help you explore all appropriate ways you can use direct mail, especially postcards, to maximum advantage.Explain who your customers are.
Whether they’re shoppers, diners, patients, or clients, virtually every business has more than one audience. It’s vital to consider each one separately, because they each have different “pain points” and desires you’ll want to target.Your mailing company can help you delve deeper into each segment’s persona, to refine the targeting of your mailing list as well as each mailer’s content.
Discuss the offers you’ve been using.
Your offer can make or break the response you get to your target marketing. The right direct mail company can help you evaluate results of past campaigns to see what has been working well, or not so well, and help you consider options to create the most effective offer:• Should you make a single offer, or more than one?• What’s the best way to impart a sense of urgency?• How can you modify your offer(s) to spark greater response and/or conversions?
Your direct mail company will share their insight gained from overall experience in the direct mail business as well as specific experience working with businesses like yours. When you can learn from the successes – and failures – of others, you can skip past wasted effort and expense and achieve better results sooner.
Review your mailing frequency.
Are you giving your target audience enough opportunities to get to know you and take action? Repetition is crucial for every type of marketing campaign and audience, even long-time customers. People are busy, and they’re distracted, so your message may not sink in at first. If prospects are new to you, many will require a bit more time to feel familiar with you and trust in your ability to deliver reliability and quality.
Review your costs and ROI.
Return on investment is as important as results. If your mailing list targeting is off, or if you’ve been using Every Door Direct Mail to save money, you could easily be mailing to a lot of people who aren’t interested. That’s no savings, and it’s certainly a lousy return on your investment. Your direct mail company can help you create the best-targeted list that will assure the highest delivery rate at the lowest available cost.Choose your mailing company carefully.
Your goal should be to develop a long-term working relationship, not just buy off-the-shelf printing in a marketing vacuum. As with everything in business, top performance depends on how well you and your mailing company work together toward your mutual goal — in this case the best target marketing using mailings. The right company will offer comprehensive services, to help you with every aspect of your mail-based marketing so nothing slips through the cracks.
They’ll have a friendly, open attitude – committed to sharing their knowledge as well as streamlining your mail marketing work. They will have plenty of experience and a top-notch reputation for delivering superior quality at every step. Read their reviews. Ask questions about how they approach helping you. And ask about real results from real customers with target audiences similar to yours.In short, listen and learn. That’s the best way to work with a mailing company to find your best target marketing.